“Well, you know it’s going to be an interesting day when you wake up and see Mel Smith wrapped around the gear stick of a Triumph 1500.” I had been
December 11th 2023. The year culminated in the launch party for New Rock New Role at the Century Club in London. The evening went with a bang, and a good time was had
From the Archives (my diary, dated May 13 th 2023) Today I finished a first draft of New Rock New Roads.It’s like emerging out of a sausage machine that has been
“If I’d written something as good as Hitchhiker,” I said to Douglas, one afternoon in the 1990’s, “you wouldn’t see me for dust. I’d keep churning them out.” We were sitting
Written by Richard Sparks
Published by Caezik SF & F – An imprint of Arc Manor Publishing
Editor – Lezli Robyn
Representation – Julia Lord Literary Management
Special Offer from the Publisher
To celebrate the upcoming publication of the sequel, New Rock New Realm, the first book is free (as an e-book). Just fill in your details below, and you’ll get the free e-book file!