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AI, Leave it to the Professionals

This month in Glasgow it is Worldcon—SF&F’s biggest annual gathering. I’m on a number of interesting panels, and am looking forward to it a lot. As a fan, there are several authors I am excited to meet. I’ll report on the whole experience in the official August blog.

Science is often discussed perceptively and in detail by experts in their fields at these Cons. They make sure to explain things in terms that the rest of us can understand. It’s revelatory when an abstruse subject becomes graspable.

In that spirit, allow me to explain the challenging concept of String Theory in six verses and 137 seconds.

Stories show as well as tell, and every song is a story, so it occurred to me that a video would be helpful in getting the idea across.

And who better to ask to supply the video than Science itself?

For a shockingly small fee, A.I. came up with what, in its infinite wisdom, it considered the answer to that question.

Well, who am I to argue with Science?

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts. Drop Scrob, my trusty scribegoblin, a line:

(My own feeling is that Science should stick to its day job.)

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