There’s so much sincerity and love that’s been poured into this story, I was moved by it in all the best ways. Did it put a smile on my face? Absolutely. But that’s not because it was trying to mock geekdom, it’s because of how great this book is…. Just because this book isn’t a spoof, doesn’t mean there isn’t hilarity to be found. I laughed myself silly at the weaponisation of orc farts.
It’s a total blast from beginning to end. Pure fantastical fun. The kind of story you want to indulge in because it makes you happy, and because it’s designed to entertain.
If you like your fantasy with a pinch of action and a dash of wit, then this is going to be a dish for you. It’s the first in a promising new series, and I really can’t wait to see where the story goes from here. Funtasy at its best.”
“Fantastic new book.”
“A fun book to read, with a nice twist at the beginning.”
“So this one is really very up my alley”
“Richard Sparks…A name synonymous with comedy and creativity in the entertainment industry.”
“Richard Sparks knows how to be funny… He is all about brilliant outcomes.”
“Only a complete nerd would be able to write such a magnificent story.”
“Reminded me of many of my faves such as Ready Player One, LOTR and
“Full of humour, wit and wry observations, in New Rock New Role Richard has created a captivating comic adventure story and a masterful realm.”
“It is an impressive chunk of a book which I got completely engrossed in, and although I couldn’t wait to find out how and why the three players had been transported into this world I also didn’t want it to end. The author simultaneously wrapped it up satisfactorily and left me wanting more! So glad there are three more books to come in this series as I’ll be reading them.”
“I don’t play these games and yet I was hooked in from the early pages. There are echoes of Tolkien and maybe Pratchett which probably map the territory of most fantasy fiction, but here Sparks gently subverts some of the stereotypes.
More than anything else this book is a page turner – the story drives forward with only the strictly necessary diversions for plot explanation.”
“Adventure after adventure, taking the characters from bad to worse to seemingly impossible… and there’s a lot of laugh-out-loud humor in there too.”
“New Rock, New Role really grabbed me in how it tackled the fun of this idea while maintaining a very grounded vibe. I was intrigued to pick this book up when I saw the author’s unique biography. I knew his perspective was going to be original, and it absolutely is. Daxx and his friends are likeable from the first, and the book gives them a brilliant hero’s journey.”