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Worldcon… and the beast

[August – September 2024 Blog]

Glasgow, Scotland, August 8th-12th 2024

My first Worldcon exceeded my already high expectations. It really was a blast. I’ve blogged enough about Cons recently, so I’ll just report two highlights and a lowlight.

Highlight #1: Los Angeles won the bid for Worldcon 2025! So convenient.

Lowlight: Lezli Robyn, my long-suffering editor, was put through some more, even longer suffering. Her two-flight, 12-hour journey turned into a 4-flight, 47-hour nightmare, due to a storm in her home state. Eventually she arrived, after two long layovers, in London, to be told that her next flight was to Edinburgh (not Glasgow), leaving in an hour—but from an airport the other side of London. An alternative was found, and her kind friend sent a car to pick her up and bring her to Glasgow in time for the CAEZIK publisher’s dinner … 

Highlight #2: … At which I got to meet the brilliant Christina P. Myrvold, the cover artist for my New Rock series. A Norwegian, Christina lives in Glasgow. She is now in very high demand, from clients such as the Marvel Universe, but she still loves working for CAEZIK on book covers. We’ll be revealing her cover for New Rock New Realm, book two in the series, any day now.

The Bonnacon:

My final panel was a balloon-style debate. The four panellists had to champion a mythical beast to be brought “back to life”, Jurassic Park-style. I chose the remarkable Bonnacon—and took the opportunity to sing its praises in epic poetry (okay, doggerel, but who counts?). All illustrations are from medieval bestiaries.

An Ode to the Bonnacon (in Video and Written Form)

An Ode to the Bonnacon

A close-up of a drawing of a goat

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The bonnacon’s a gentle soul

There’s never been a calmer

The body of an antelope

The long neck of a llama

A person holding a cup with a lion

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The head that of a baffled sheep

Atop which small horns curl

And circle back upon themselves

The look that of an earl

When spoken to in rhyming slang

Myopic, blank, confounded

But do not be deceived, because

The bonnacon, when hounded

A close-up of a medieval manuscript

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Farts clouds of flame, and hoses fire

From out its anal sphincter

A burning lake of red-hot shite

Fries any beast who’ll think-ter

A close-up of a medieval manuscript

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Creep up upon yon bonnacon

(Whose flesh is highly rated)

Instead of feasting on it, he

Will be incinerated

The bonnacon’s a lovely lad

In Tartary you’ll find him

He loves to have his long ears scratched

Just don’t creep up behind him

A close-up of a medieval manuscript

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The bonnacon’s a bonnie lass

You’ll never meet a kinder

She’ll let you stroke her silky mane

Just never stand behind her

O bonnacon, sweet bonnacon

I’d love to see you grazing

The leafy fields of Tartary

In dappled sunlight lazing

A close-up of a book

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I’d settle back and watch, and hope

For it would be amazing

To see some hapless predator

Run shrieking from you, blazing

Engulfed in flames fired from your arse

To contemplate its blunder

Before it sizzles to a crisp

’Twould truly be a wonder

A close-up of a medieval manuscript

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A wondrous beast, the bonnacon

Great Nature’s great attainment

Its form, its face, its superpower:

Oh yes—that’s entertainment.

A close-up of a painting

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