Every Picture Tells a Thousand Words…
I’m lucky that Christina P. Myrvold has a soft spot for our publisher (Arc Manor LLC,
parent company of CAEZIK SF&F). They spotted her talent when she was starting
out, and even though she is now in demand from big guns such as Marvel she still
takes time to work for us.
I just love the cover she created for New Rock New Role. It captures the feel
of the book—and the series—perfectly. Adventure, action, fun, WTF?
And now she’s done it again for my sequel New Rock, New Realm.
A Norwegian by birth, Christina now lives in in Glasgow. It was great to meet
her while we were there in August for Worldcon—and to talk over ideas for book
three in the series, New Rock New Rules (November 2025), which she is currently
working on.
Now for a closer look…
So many great details in there—such as the bat-winged imp crouching on the
back of the chair …
What do you think?

For those of you in the US, you can pre-order at https://www.amazon.com/New-Rock-Realm/dp/1647101212
And for those in the UK, https://www.whsmith.co.uk/Product/Richard-Sparks/New-Rock-New-Realm/12704085
The audiobook is coming to audible in December, https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/New-Rock-New-Realm-Audiobook/B0DL7T8V5M